Many gurus and experts in the area of telecommunications and technology, with a style reminiscent of the famous oracle of Delphi, begin predictions of what we will see in these twelve months . One of them is JĂșlia Casagrande, ConsumerLab specialist in Ericsson Brazil (division of the company that studies user behavior, part of a global research program based on annual interviews with more than 100,000 people in more than 40 countries and 15 megacities) , who mentions: "The most important trend we see is a massive demand for services and applications in all industries and sectors of society, with enough potential to radically change everyday life."
His vision of the future is summarized in ten points:
1. Applications that change society
The rapid acceptance of smartphones, completely changed the way we communicate and use the internet. Now we are entering a new phase of rapidly diversifying the use of the smartphone, whereby people are looking for applications in all sectors of society. This includes everything from shopping, childcare, transportation, to communication with the authorities. Applications are taking much more importance than the phone used.
2. Your body is the new password
It is increasingly common for sites to require more complex passwords, with a mixture of numbers, letters and symbols almost impossible to remember. This is generating a growing interest in alternatives based on biometric technology . For example, the survey found that 79% of Brazilian smartphone users want to use their fingerprints instead of passwords, while 48% are interested in using iris recognition to unlock the screen. A total of 74% believe that smartphones with biometric technology will be in common use in the next year.
3. Automatic quantification
Blood pressure, heart rate and steps are just a few examples of how we measure ourselves through mobile devices that use personalized data. Now it is only enough to use an application to track the different activities and thus be more aware of our health. A total of 40% of smartphone users worldwide want to use their phone to record all their physical activities, and 56% want to control their blood pressure and heart rate using a ring. In Brazil, the figures are 45% and 69%, respectively.
4. Internet anywhere
Smartphone users are realizing that the signal bars on their phone do not provide reliable information, this is because a good signal for voice systems does not represent a good signal for internet services. .
5. Smartphones will reduce the digital divide
Internet access worldwide remains insufficient and is unevenly distributed, giving rise to what is known as the digital divide. The arrival of cheaper smartphones means that consumers do not need expensive devices to access internet services. A total of 51% of users believe that their cell phone is their most important technological product and, for many, it becomes the main device for internet access.
6. The benefits online are greater than the risks
With the internet becoming an essential part of our lives, the risks associated with being connected become more evident . 56% of users who go online every day are concerned about privacy issues. However, only 4% mentioned that they use less internet for that reason. Instead, consumers use strategies to minimize risk, how to be more cautious about the type of personal information they provide.
His vision of the future is summarized in ten points:
1. Applications that change society
The rapid acceptance of smartphones, completely changed the way we communicate and use the internet. Now we are entering a new phase of rapidly diversifying the use of the smartphone, whereby people are looking for applications in all sectors of society. This includes everything from shopping, childcare, transportation, to communication with the authorities. Applications are taking much more importance than the phone used.
2. Your body is the new password
It is increasingly common for sites to require more complex passwords, with a mixture of numbers, letters and symbols almost impossible to remember. This is generating a growing interest in alternatives based on biometric technology . For example, the survey found that 79% of Brazilian smartphone users want to use their fingerprints instead of passwords, while 48% are interested in using iris recognition to unlock the screen. A total of 74% believe that smartphones with biometric technology will be in common use in the next year.
3. Automatic quantification
Blood pressure, heart rate and steps are just a few examples of how we measure ourselves through mobile devices that use personalized data. Now it is only enough to use an application to track the different activities and thus be more aware of our health. A total of 40% of smartphone users worldwide want to use their phone to record all their physical activities, and 56% want to control their blood pressure and heart rate using a ring. In Brazil, the figures are 45% and 69%, respectively.
4. Internet anywhere
Smartphone users are realizing that the signal bars on their phone do not provide reliable information, this is because a good signal for voice systems does not represent a good signal for internet services. .
5. Smartphones will reduce the digital divide
Internet access worldwide remains insufficient and is unevenly distributed, giving rise to what is known as the digital divide. The arrival of cheaper smartphones means that consumers do not need expensive devices to access internet services. A total of 51% of users believe that their cell phone is their most important technological product and, for many, it becomes the main device for internet access.
6. The benefits online are greater than the risks
With the internet becoming an essential part of our lives, the risks associated with being connected become more evident . 56% of users who go online every day are concerned about privacy issues. However, only 4% mentioned that they use less internet for that reason. Instead, consumers use strategies to minimize risk, how to be more cautious about the type of personal information they provide.