Friday, March 6, 2020

Security Services Definition

Adaptive solutions: Decision makers should take into account that security is not an out-of-the-self product, and the misconception that more money being spend can improve security, needs to stop. Consequently, when it comes to investing in a solution, a product or a service, what matters the most is how adaptive and scalable that solution can be in order to meet any specific needs set forth, rather than introducing a false sense of security instead. The secret in this stage is not to try to introduce solutions here and there, to meet individual security and regulatory requirements which inevitably will increase the overall cost, but approach the problem in a holistic attitude. Utilize the expertise of third-parties and discuss how their solutions can assist in that challenging task, Computer Security Services how adaptive they are, what kind of flexibility they offer in this fast evolving threat landscape, what is the added value, and most importantly how will it keep everything within budget.
Cyber Resilience: Being able to becomeIt Security Services  Cyber Resilient is a task that requires the efforts of many parties from within the same organization and often, third-parties are deeply involved as well. The aforementioned steps put into perspective what needs to be done today, in order to avoid any claims or negligence following a potential breach, and display clearly the necessary due diligence in this era of fast evolving internal and external cyber threats.
Cyber crime and cyber criminals act as an opportunistic scheme, that most of the time target the low hanging fruit. The security industry’s professionals and experts are tasked with the challenging task of protecting a vast amount of heterogeneous information systems against a chaotic cyber warfare taking place between threat actors and defending parties. By focusing towards a cyber resiliency strategy today, allows security professionals to better defend what is already in place, provide them with the tools to detect and respond in real-time around the clock, and recover in the unfortunate event of a breach.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

It Security Services

Adaptive solutions: Decision makers should take into account that security is not an out-of-the-self product, and the misconception that more money being spend can improve security, needs to stop. Consequently, when it comes to investing in a solution, a product or a service, what matters the most is how adaptive and scalable that solution can be in order to meet any specific needs set forth, rather than introducing a false sense of security instead. The secret in this stage is not to try to introduce solutions here and there, to meet individual security and regulatory requirements which inevitably will increase the overall cost, but approach the problem in a holistic attitude. Utilize the expertise of third-parties and discuss how their solutions can assist in that challenging task, Computer Security Services how adaptive they are, what kind of flexibility they offer in this fast evolving threat landscape, what is the added value, and most importantly how will it keep everything within budget.
Cyber Resilience: Being able to becomeIt Security Services  Cyber Resilient is a task that requires the efforts of many parties from within the same organization and often, third-parties are deeply involved as well. The aforementioned steps put into perspective what needs to be done today, in order to avoid any claims or negligence following a potential breach, and display clearly the necessary due diligence in this era of fast evolving internal and external cyber threats.
Cyber crime and cyber criminals act as an opportunistic scheme, that most of the time target the low hanging fruit. The security industry’s professionals and experts are tasked with the challenging task of protecting a vast amount of heterogeneous information systems against a chaotic cyber warfare taking place between threat actors and defending parties. By focusing towards a cyber resiliency strategy today, allows security professionals to better defend what is already in place, provide them with the tools to detect and respond in real-time around the clock, and recover in the unfortunate event of a breach.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Information Security Service

Where you place the camera lens is important. The distance of the camera from its subject should be carefully considered, making sure the right areas are in focus and clearly visible. If you mount a camera to a wall or structure, make sure it's mounted properly so the camera won't shake and distort the picture. Outdoor cameras can deter criminals from ever attempting a break-in, Security Connection and they can cover large areas, but a camera placed outside should have an appropriate weatherproof casing to protect it from the elements. Tough casings can also prevent tampering or vandalism.

You should also determine whether or not you'll want to record your surveillance. If you're simply making sure your children are safe while playing or monitoring who comes to the front door, a direct video feed with no recorder should be sufficient. But if you wish to see what's happening in a particular area over long periods of time, you should connect a recording system that's compatible with your security cameras. Some people use VCRs to record video, while others run the whole system via a computer and save information digitally.

 To avoid wasting video, some surveillance systems have motion detectors that only begin recording once the device picks up movement within the area.

As you can see, there are many video surveillance options available. Choosing the right one for your personal needs is a matter of knowing how you want it to work for you.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Computer Security Service

Before we begin this blog I wanted to understand how public and private key works. We will just do a quick remainder here. A public & private key pair is created at the same time not like one created yesterday and one tomorrowJ. They are created as a mathematical key pair together and the magic is anything you encrypt with one of them can be decrypted with the other and vice versa.  Anything you encrypt with the private key can be decrypted with the public key. Anybody can create the key pair, we can create them either in the cisco router, on a server,. Computer Security Service The secret of them is we can keep the private key private not sharing with anybody and you can share the public key with anybody you want to.

Digital Signature and  how it works

A Digital signature is a hash that has been encrypted with the sender’s private key.

The sender of a packet will take the data and they will create a hash and then will take the hash and encrypt with the private key. Now the sender will send the data and the digital signature (HASH encrypted with private key) to the recipient.
Digital Signature = HASH(DATA)
Sender  (DATA + Digital signature ) --> recipient

Now the recipient takes the data and they generate the own hash and they then take the digital signature which is encrypted hash and they decrypt with the senders public key .  If the result is the same this confirms the integrity between the sender and the recipient.

  • Recipient receives the data and digital signature
  • Hash the received data
  • Decrypts the encrypted hash with senders public key
  • Compare both the HASH value.
  • If it matches then it compares the data is not tampered or not modified

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Security Connection

Where you place the camera lens is important. The distance of the camera from its subject should be carefully considered, making sure the right areas are in focus and clearly visible. If you mount a camera to a wall or structure, make sure it's mounted properly so the camera won't shake and distort the picture. Outdoor cameras can deter criminals from ever attempting a break-in, Security Connection and they can cover large areas, but a camera placed outside should have an appropriate weatherproof casing to protect it from the elements. Tough casings can also prevent tampering or vandalism.

You should also determine whether or not you'll want to record your surveillance. If you're simply making sure your children are safe while playing or monitoring who comes to the front door, a direct video feed with no recorder should be sufficient. But if you wish to see what's happening in a particular area over long periods of time, you should connect a recording system that's compatible with your security cameras. Some people use VCRs to record video, while others run the whole system via a computer and save information digitally.

 To avoid wasting video, some surveillance systems have motion detectors that only begin recording once the device picks up movement within the area.

As you can see, there are many video surveillance options available. Choosing the right one for your personal needs is a matter of knowing how you want it to work for you.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Technological Trends For Brazil In 2019

Many gurus and experts in the area of ​​telecommunications and technology, with a style reminiscent of the famous oracle of Delphi, begin predictions of what we will see in these twelve months . One of them is JĂșlia Casagrande, ConsumerLab specialist in Ericsson Brazil (division of the company that studies user behavior, part of a global research program based on annual interviews with more than 100,000 people in more than 40 countries and 15 megacities) , who mentions: "The most important trend we see is a massive demand for services and applications in all industries and sectors of society, with enough potential to radically change everyday life."

His vision of the future is summarized in ten points:

1. Applications that change society

The rapid acceptance of smartphones, completely changed the way we communicate and use the internet. Now we are entering a new phase of rapidly diversifying the use of the smartphone, whereby people are looking for applications in all sectors of society. This includes everything from shopping, childcare, transportation, to communication with the authorities. Applications are taking much more importance than the phone used.

2. Your body is the new password

It is increasingly common for sites to require more complex passwords, with a mixture of numbers, letters and symbols almost impossible to remember. This is generating a growing interest in alternatives based on biometric technology . For example, the survey found that 79% of Brazilian smartphone users want to use their fingerprints instead of passwords, while 48% are interested in using iris recognition to unlock the screen. A total of 74% believe that smartphones with biometric technology will be in common use in the next year.

3. Automatic quantification

Blood pressure, heart rate and steps are just a few examples of how we measure ourselves through mobile devices that use personalized data. Now it is only enough to use an application to track the different activities and thus be more aware of our health. A total of 40% of smartphone users worldwide want to use their phone to record all their physical activities, and 56% want to control their blood pressure and heart rate using a ring. In Brazil, the figures are 45% and 69%, respectively.

4. Internet anywhere

Smartphone users are realizing that the signal bars on their phone do not provide reliable information, this is because a good signal for voice systems does not represent a good signal for internet services. .

5.  Smartphones will reduce the digital divide

Internet access worldwide remains insufficient and is unevenly distributed, giving rise to what is known as the digital divide. The arrival of cheaper smartphones means that consumers do not need expensive devices to access internet services. A total of 51% of users believe that their cell phone is their most important technological product and, for many, it becomes the main device for internet access.

6. The benefits online are greater than the risks

With the internet becoming an essential part of our lives, the risks associated with being connected become more evident . 56% of users who go online every day are concerned about privacy issues. However, only 4% mentioned that they use less internet for that reason. Instead, consumers use strategies to minimize risk, how to be more cautious about the type of personal information they provide.

Security Services Definition

Adaptive solutions:  Decision makers should take into account that security is not an out-of-the-self product, and the misconception that ...